Wednesday, February 3, 2010

10 Free Star Trek Online Guides

Star Trek Online officially launches today (February 3, 2010), so here are 10 free guides to get started! There are also a number of media previews you should check out if you're still sitting on the fence.
  1. A Beginner’s Guide to STO
  2. Starship Tier Charts
  3. Bridge Officer/Kit Abilities
  4. Player Skills 3.0
  5. Currency Guide
  6. Common FAQs
  7. How the classes you choose affect gameplay
  8. Bridge Officer FAQs
  9. Space UI and Space Combat
  10. Costume design tips
Finally, every good captain should polish up his or her acting skills. You never know when you'll need to bluff a feisty Klingon or Romulan so it would be advantagous to learn from the best.

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